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Showing posts from August, 2019

Sentence of the Week

Ex... "The exes are little in front to the future." ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved.

Poem 129: Emotions (Explicit)

Kisses Temporary💏 Dancing on nightclub, This is not enough, Having your heart, Staying ugly same at the time with little part, These kisses temporary are a sh*t, May I believe be a good wrists, I would've a skin gold, Freezing hands like cold; I'm going to right by, I fight can't try. ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved.


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Frase de la Semana

Pienso... "Siempre tiene pensamientos con buena energías." ®Poesía y Historia En Línea. T odos los derechos reservado

Poema 128: Energía

Vibras El universos mirá todo, Siendo así con tu, Llegando a vibras, Cómo manera de ser mayores, Y siempre algo mas en adores, Estoy leyendo su manos, Curando las dolores al cielo, Rompiendo el primero viento; Veo solo una vez, Diciendo cosas perfectas hasta diez. ®Poesía y Historia En Línea. T odos los derechos reservado

Sentence of the Week

Open... " Follow that light show the long way." ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved.

Poem 127: Come on

Go Light Red Feeling so euphoric, This is not toxic, Making have your grateful, Staying in at the same time full, I'll be go light red, Until never more fast, Nothing is enough like very talk; I had only funky, I'm asking for, Theses moments are closing doors. ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved.

Frase de la Semana

Juntos... "Cuando estamos juntos nada mala nos haz desistir de luchar." ®Poesía y Historia En Línea. T odos los derechos reservado

Poema 126: Amores

Te Quiero Hoy voy decir "te quiero", Mirando en su ojos, Yo besé ahora, Porque eres solo tú, Dejando con nada, Limpindo el amada, Vuelvo pa' acá; Así veo ti, Tiendo contenido pura homenaje, Atra y sentir de mí, Cómo fechar de espionaje. ®Poesía y Historia En Línea. T odos los derechos reservado

New Book

The Begin Hello guys, is available on Amazon|Kindle my new book of poetry.Link low:

Sentence of the Week

Falls... "The mountains can falls, however hope keep alive." ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved.

Poem 125: Shake

Earthquake Our love is earthquake, Making floor simply shake, Clawing in the mountain as snakes, We're only a pieces, I can find your knees, And you're something in this end world, 'Cause this is not work, Feel tectonic plates, Destroying the state, Until beging a new faith. ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved.