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Showing posts from February, 2019

Frase de la Semana

Atracción... "El amor es pura atracción." ®Poesía y Historia En Línea. T odos los derechos reservados

Poema 105: Serpiente

Soy Veneno🐍 Tiendo atracción, Porque yo soy veneno, Rompiendo así su corazón, Días te quiero, Bajando hasta liento, Subindo mi cuerpo, Mirando en ciento, Dejando más serpiente, Encontrando formación como siempre; Nada para la miente, Jugando próxima maldición, Puede ser indecente. ®Poesía y Historia En Línea. T odos los derechos reservados

Sentence of the Week

Words... "Many use the words for say the same things, where actually is the action that speak more high." ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved.

Poem 104: Heart

Say Me You Love Me Here we go again, When seems the next sun, Take your fall skin, Breaking upon moon, Oh, say me you love, Brilliant until read gone, These days are free, Blooming as a flower, With them three; Those nightlife is power, Like an anything possible, First line written on boner. ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved.

Frase de la Semana

Elementos... "La agua y el fuego son opuestos, pero los dos juntos son un única cosa." ®Poesía y Historia En Línea. T odos los derechos reservado

Witness Gold: Look At Star

Synopisis                  Faylire, a young that lives working how professor on University of Grilly in the North of USA, found in your search a document that speak a new order worldwide, where the new disease, which is call of "hiller skin" want go domination the planet in only 3 days. With this he have what use your habilitys for save the world. Debut 2 March 2019 ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved.            

Poema 103: Animales

Filosofía De Los Lobos🐺 Llegando la noche ahora, Las luces son la filosofía, Y tengo dolamos copla, Hay tanque en ciña, Viendo nuevos pájaros, Tóqueme de cima, Búscate todos los choros, Encontrando algo este medicina, Los rivales están más estados; Hasta leería entre esquinas, Encontrarte fue muy amor, Al cine tiempo alzaros en la quina. ®Poesía y Historia En Línea. T odos los derechos reservado

Sentence of the Week

Collide... " The collide among the fire and ice is a future complete." ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved.

Text 8: Society...

We're zombie for the System?           When I see people that work hard  every day, I know that they're not a "question" about what happening here or on world, because all are under "system" of alienation, which nothing speak about somethig without think. But is that can be a effect from check mate?                Observing the society with more deep in 10(ten) years, I know that all stay without think by long proud of think, has as example, when something family say for you "You have that study, 'cause you're future", but thinked "You not control my life, beause I have others talents".                 To the long from time I'm seeing that nobody see like this, where everybody is living in a Utopia that eating a fruit of the fiction, making to be more a zombie for the system.                  Actually, we're cab f...

Poem 102 : Fear

Finding Freeze On Hands⛸ In the night of winter with a sentimental, See hope out on heart, Where the fire if colide withal ice without fear this memorial, Feel the peace finding light against apart, Smile is new reality at where love have like, Jumping actually take so into hands or too part, Touch friendship praying, which watch movie and lie, But others persons say "You can be many more strong now", Continued believer how a party staying drunk to the tight; The place perfect it's happiness everyday farewell, Exit live gracing the deep ocean, Hymn only walking turn it up right down. ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved.