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Showing posts from October, 2018

Sentence of the Week...

Someday... ''Someday our questions are ask." ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved.

Poem 89: Ask...

Questions limits The questions about you, Are without limits, Making the world turn it up too, With stay and quit, Where can't follow stop now, Seein the new way an split, Ready to second round, Feel your love above me, Taking hands put down; Somethin do say "free", While liar read this, These cries out on deep. ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved.

Phrase de la Semaine...

Être... "Avoir histoire est voir nouveau futur." ⓇPoésie et histoires en ligne. Tous droits réservés.

Poéme 88: Histoire...

D'une histoire En doutais histoire, Je suis amour, Heures son humaine, C'est lls à après dormeur, Avoir beaucoup moins, Même mode chômeur, J'ai autres belle cois, Un bouchée laquelle faire, Yeux bandés comme Loïs; Être solidarité Caire, L'ai gardé vous remercie, Déjà vu es mi plaire. ⓇPoésie et histoires en ligne. Tous droits réservés.

Sentence of the Week...

Moonlight... "Search only a way for find your light." ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved

Poem 87: Long night...

Dusk to midnight I feel the sun down, Making me to be more a star, Where the day already was crying now, Is that stay how we I've in the far, Which the animals are helping for save, Having like this myself in this gar, But all that is in past can next page, Praying by days best, Without fear of look to the future league; Know that party started with one guest, Going dusk to midnight, Quitting from world and refleting about chest. ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved

Frase de la Semana...

Planeta... " Sea solamente un planeta cuando la agua final." ®Poesía y Historia En Línea. T odos los derechos reservados

Poema 86: Agua...

Me gusta de bañado A me gusta de bañado, Haciendo su amor, Con solamente venado, Dejando el coraje dolor, Confirmó tan rápido cabeza, Tú eres mi nueva color, Es ahora venza, Viendo la medicina curando, Para así desvanece; Éste la tuvo gestando, Buscando los ricos, Sintiendo la agua acabando. ®Poesía y Historia En Línea. T odos los derechos reservados

Sentence of the Week || Phrase de la Semaine...

Love || Amour... "Together we're only body." "Ensemble nous ne sommes que corps." ⓇPoésie et histoires en ligne. Tous droits réservés. ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved.