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Showing posts from September, 2018

Poéme, Poem 85: Nuit, night...

Bon Seduction In the middle your heart can see the past, Where he is only staying without around, Having like this the our next future last, J'ai tu est une bonne nouvelle pour les gens, Qui a fait un truc à faire de tout, Pas a dit que I'on a été arrêté sens, Waking of back for home, which all more now, Praying too to the Gods Egypt searching the peace, Breathing again how a selfish that knew out down; L'on peut se permettre aux fruit en France on fume, Le a bien été prise par la police, Et no comment il a fallu que mondes de brute... ⓇPoésie et histoires en ligne. Tous droits réservés. ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved.

Sentence of the Week...

Money💲... "Sometimes the money make us see the how much we are little." ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved.

Poem 84: No call me...

Bo$$ I'm a love quit, The all house on fire, Letting the dorms limit, Your body has part of liars, If you're say "quitting tell your boss", And listening the sound lion knew karma, Walking too to the past, Jumping out of heart, Speaking in others well 5 fours cross; New horizons are the last apart, Eating your favorite pizza as zombie, Because only something can forget it lost... ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved.

Sentence of the Week...

Light... "Be the light of many in moments hard." ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved.

Poem 83: Shimmer...

You´d sunshine You´d my sunshine, Here the shimmer do the light, Seeing like this a form fine, That's speak fight, Finding the love pure, Having how next to passion after midnight, Talking about nature, I ran alone on long formation, In wich the vocation is mature; Look at athe station, I feel the air above me, Letting myself with reputation. ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved.

Frase de la Semana...

Felicidad... "La felicidad es medicina para los momentos más difíciles." ®Poesía y Historia En Línea. T odos los derechos reservados

Poema 82: Suspiro...

Medicina💊 La mi mente está curado, Buscando ahora su medicina, Haciendo el corazón en Estado, Estoy pronto para esquina, Y demarcado un los ricos, Con solamente  un estima, Ya soy ritos, Riendo de la buena cesación, Como cielo en el fuego garitos; Éste es razón, Yacer bien común hay reglas, Oye de dos años son sazón. ®Poesía y Historia En Línea. T odos los derechos reservados

Sentence of the Week...

Perfect... "The trauma is a scar that not are on future." ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved.

Poem 81: Cure...

Antidote💉 Coming and blooming out of me, I wanna only you, Staying without need cool, Reading your name too, Making me see the next day, Where the sky are the fire away, You´re not my danger, Cuz I ain't not afraid stanger, Having the some own longer, Inside injected a antidote, I'm cured now, Talking on second 'round; With chance of look to moon after midnight, Fixing get for the number twice, I do the big flashlight, Who´s so the fighter in win before line? ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved.