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Sentence of the Week...

Bye 2018... "The dreams are the keywords for see the sucess." ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved

Poem 97: Next year...

New Year Now🎆 Living a beautiful year, The hurts simply was cured, Line before fixed on fear, Imagine all more stapled, Where the sunrise anytime, Having it how form loved, 'Cause clear only like, Learning the see new tomorrow, Without fire burning our own strikes, Everything his know, Nights are over possible, Fighting to look in stairs now; Put hands up be impossible, Being from down for above, And available oyster circle. ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved.

Sentence of the Week...

Happier...😃 "Be happier with the people to the your side and not the gifts." ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved

Texto 5: Gracias || Text 5: Thank you...

  Writer ||Escritor             Hello guys, I come here say "thank you" for you have read my poems and history, where make me much happy there's each day without let of believe on my work.     Hola personas, yo vengo ahí decir "gracias" para ustedes ter leer mi poemas y historias, dónde haz me mucho contente hay cada día sin dejar de acreditar en mi trabajo.              Grande 2019 || Big 2019         

Poem 96: Gifts...

Merry Christmas Forever🎄 In the house tonight, The peace are above us, Making the people say "light", Coming until next dynasty, Without fire burning the doors, Tree's having pure heaven coupy, Drinking red wine splipped on floor, And being the favorite crown, These years was divine with liquor, Blessing everyone around town, Getting the people outside, Would like better now; Leave all for midnight raise, Listen the angels sing in the unearthly, Santa Claus bringing gifts under the tree twice. ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved

Sentence of the Week...

Bad... "Sometimes the bad do us give up of good." ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved.

Text 4: Persistence...

Long time...       When see the light above you always take the best her, 'cause the long time will show how she is shine wihout need of more no way help.      But never give up of that many people say for you, where the places are only passanger with the own history already written in the stars.      So search something in the front and never look to back.

Poem 95: Heaven...

Eyes Complete Right do the dream, Having like a way, Give you in me, Can see the faith, Would let next might blessed, Quitting of be negotiate, Reading your name in list how guest, Aren't left to your eyes complete, Look get out the fast, These are times with feet, An animal lost on night, Where take he own on deep. ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved.

Frase de la Semana...

¿El amor es ilusión? "Los grandes amores son la razón qué muchos no quieren explicación." ®Poesía y Historia En Línea. T odos los derechos reservados

Text 3: Lives...

Lives simply     Day-to-day we see many people searching the only answer for your questions about how have sucess profissional, have more money, and have the own home. But this is actually a form of us stay satisfied with ego.     These ego make our feelings be sometimes that have superation hard from look to future, having like this a little moment of happy.      Backing... Did always the attitude and actions simple no have fear of a new way for see the life.

Poema 94: El amor...

Quiero Mucho💌 Todos los días son así, Llegando ser sólo con novela, Tiendo como cierto momentos sin ti, Tú eres nadie en cerca, Haciendo hablar sobre nuestro amor "te quiero mucho", La razón está desviado crezca, Cantando fuera de estudio, Escrebí esto canción, Buscando el beso  dentro del oscuro; Ahora amo azúcar junto al corazón, Sentido dos cuerpos calientes, Y establo para evitar daños cuando mirar en condición. ®Poesía y Historia En Línea. T odos los derechos reservados.

Sentence of the Week...

Fights... "Fights are moments that search us be stronger." ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved.

Text 2: Reflection...

Motive     Sometimes we make up of bed for see the sun tomorrow on morning and let all ours feelings simply quit for out of skin, where us can try find motives.      To the look at the inside eyes my life do all to arrive again feel that the love is motive for we try survive leaving somethings to the past.     Now not let all for after, but see always tomorrow without fear of be happier, 'cause this is the what go you.

Poem 93: Hard moments...

Sober Sometimes I feel me sober, In these days start the cry, Made for stay looking the stars closer, Think about like again try, Everyone can't stop now, 'Cause do your love fly, Reading the journal with news down, I see a new motive, Having only one chance to take crown; Feeling few of minutes on wise, The vocations are the sunrise, Letting the darkness intimidate and the lights spice. ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved.

Text 1 : Me and Poetry: A history || Yo y Poesía: Un historia...

The History      All begin when I have only 16 years old, because after pass strongs moments of depression in my high school I found my way on the poetry. Begins write poetry in a day that many are making bullying with me and was that my life simply changed.       First poetry was in portuguese and after was english and spanish, 'cause these two languages show me that nothing is impossible when you believe in your dreams every day. Today I know write in 5 languages. La Historia       Todo comenzó cuando yo tenía solo 16 anõs de edad, porque depués de pasar por fuertes momentos de depressión en mi escuela he encontrado mi camino en la poesía.Comezé la escribir poesía en un día que muy estaban haciendo bullying conmigo y fue que mi vida simplismente mudó.       Primera poesía fue en portugués y después fue en inglés y español, pues este dos idiomas mostrarme que nada es imposible cuando tú acredita en su sueños tod...

Frase de la Semana...

Paz... "Naturaleza es la paz en su mejor forma." ®Poesía y Historia En Línea. T odos los derechos reservados

Poema 92: Flores...

Girasoles🌻 Mi vida es girasoles, Me pena indecible, Con sólo faroles, Para así su sensible, Hasta la vista también, Muy mala tangible, Y cubriendo ciudad caen, Dónde buscar el corazón, Los cuerpos se reducen, Ellos son razón, Haciendo hay curva brutales, Las palabras ahora amó estación. ®Poesía y Historia En Línea. T odos los derechos reservados

Sentence of the Week...

Found... "Sometime we are only a scar that still no cured." ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved.

Poem 91: World...

Thinker Outside Circle The thinker outside box, Not afraid speak about all, Making the world fall under your feet in front, This is a little waterfall, With the climb for sit down on throne at the mountain, Searching only the next day call, No me matter know, Finding the way, Every day without need of take the crown, Sometimes we are sober, Closing eyes inside circle good closer; Being like Greece there's 2.000 D.C, Letting the light more clear, For feel the tear when are side another, Universe real yet new revival the humanity that they no meet. ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved.

Frase de la Semana...

Arte... "La arte es muchas veces la reflexión de la gente en pocas palabras." ®Poesía y Historia En Línea. T odos los derechos reservados

Poema 90: Bailar...

Da-da-dale Esto es dale, Hacer así para ya, Con solamente nada nosotros calé, Esos son alla', Buscando su atenta, Las leyes regala, Una parte sustenta, Sea sin amar, Él tiene sabor de menta; Puede en hablar, Siempre al cine este flipaba, Asé hay deseado lazar. ®Poesía y Historia En Línea. T odos los derechos reservados

Sentence of the Week...

Someday... ''Someday our questions are ask." ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved.

Poem 89: Ask...

Questions limits The questions about you, Are without limits, Making the world turn it up too, With stay and quit, Where can't follow stop now, Seein the new way an split, Ready to second round, Feel your love above me, Taking hands put down; Somethin do say "free", While liar read this, These cries out on deep. ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved.

Phrase de la Semaine...

Être... "Avoir histoire est voir nouveau futur." ⓇPoésie et histoires en ligne. Tous droits réservés.

Poéme 88: Histoire...

D'une histoire En doutais histoire, Je suis amour, Heures son humaine, C'est lls à après dormeur, Avoir beaucoup moins, Même mode chômeur, J'ai autres belle cois, Un bouchée laquelle faire, Yeux bandés comme Loïs; Être solidarité Caire, L'ai gardé vous remercie, Déjà vu es mi plaire. ⓇPoésie et histoires en ligne. Tous droits réservés.

Sentence of the Week...

Moonlight... "Search only a way for find your light." ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved

Poem 87: Long night...

Dusk to midnight I feel the sun down, Making me to be more a star, Where the day already was crying now, Is that stay how we I've in the far, Which the animals are helping for save, Having like this myself in this gar, But all that is in past can next page, Praying by days best, Without fear of look to the future league; Know that party started with one guest, Going dusk to midnight, Quitting from world and refleting about chest. ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved

Frase de la Semana...

Planeta... " Sea solamente un planeta cuando la agua final." ®Poesía y Historia En Línea. T odos los derechos reservados

Poema 86: Agua...

Me gusta de bañado A me gusta de bañado, Haciendo su amor, Con solamente venado, Dejando el coraje dolor, Confirmó tan rápido cabeza, Tú eres mi nueva color, Es ahora venza, Viendo la medicina curando, Para así desvanece; Éste la tuvo gestando, Buscando los ricos, Sintiendo la agua acabando. ®Poesía y Historia En Línea. T odos los derechos reservados

Sentence of the Week || Phrase de la Semaine...

Love || Amour... "Together we're only body." "Ensemble nous ne sommes que corps." ⓇPoésie et histoires en ligne. Tous droits réservés. ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved.

Poéme, Poem 85: Nuit, night...

Bon Seduction In the middle your heart can see the past, Where he is only staying without around, Having like this the our next future last, J'ai tu est une bonne nouvelle pour les gens, Qui a fait un truc à faire de tout, Pas a dit que I'on a été arrêté sens, Waking of back for home, which all more now, Praying too to the Gods Egypt searching the peace, Breathing again how a selfish that knew out down; L'on peut se permettre aux fruit en France on fume, Le a bien été prise par la police, Et no comment il a fallu que mondes de brute... ⓇPoésie et histoires en ligne. Tous droits réservés. ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved.

Sentence of the Week...

Money💲... "Sometimes the money make us see the how much we are little." ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved.

Poem 84: No call me...

Bo$$ I'm a love quit, The all house on fire, Letting the dorms limit, Your body has part of liars, If you're say "quitting tell your boss", And listening the sound lion knew karma, Walking too to the past, Jumping out of heart, Speaking in others well 5 fours cross; New horizons are the last apart, Eating your favorite pizza as zombie, Because only something can forget it lost... ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved.

Sentence of the Week...

Light... "Be the light of many in moments hard." ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved.

Poem 83: Shimmer...

You´d sunshine You´d my sunshine, Here the shimmer do the light, Seeing like this a form fine, That's speak fight, Finding the love pure, Having how next to passion after midnight, Talking about nature, I ran alone on long formation, In wich the vocation is mature; Look at athe station, I feel the air above me, Letting myself with reputation. ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved.

Frase de la Semana...

Felicidad... "La felicidad es medicina para los momentos más difíciles." ®Poesía y Historia En Línea. T odos los derechos reservados

Poema 82: Suspiro...

Medicina💊 La mi mente está curado, Buscando ahora su medicina, Haciendo el corazón en Estado, Estoy pronto para esquina, Y demarcado un los ricos, Con solamente  un estima, Ya soy ritos, Riendo de la buena cesación, Como cielo en el fuego garitos; Éste es razón, Yacer bien común hay reglas, Oye de dos años son sazón. ®Poesía y Historia En Línea. T odos los derechos reservados

Sentence of the Week...

Perfect... "The trauma is a scar that not are on future." ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved.

Poem 81: Cure...

Antidote💉 Coming and blooming out of me, I wanna only you, Staying without need cool, Reading your name too, Making me see the next day, Where the sky are the fire away, You´re not my danger, Cuz I ain't not afraid stanger, Having the some own longer, Inside injected a antidote, I'm cured now, Talking on second 'round; With chance of look to moon after midnight, Fixing get for the number twice, I do the big flashlight, Who´s so the fighter in win before line? ®Poetry and History Online. All rights reserved.

Frase da Semana...

Missão... "A missão é um presente que se concretiza no futuro." ®Poesias & Histórias Online. Todos os direitos reservados.

Poema 80: Profissão...

Advogado Estudante da leis, Vejo elas se cumprir, Onde o advogado tanto fez, Fazendo-me não desistir, Pois tenho a missão, Para simplesmente agir, Isso é o resultado do coração, Com a inteligência, Vendo também o reflexo da mão; Tendo assim sabedoria na convivência, Dos novos tempos ao nosso redor, Contudo, temos lições como interferência. ®Poesias & Histórias Online. Todos os direitos reservados.

Frase della Settimana...

Solo... "Sea  solo que va  nell'area della mente." ⓇPoesia e Storie Online. Tutti i diritti riservati.

Poesia 79: Mare...

Libertà Navegando en lo grande oceano, Tenere solamente una pensar, Acuendo la sensazione del piano, Y tenere lo lobo qui viene la bazar, Annulla tu comò la fole dei appelarsi, Mutande la eutanasia furia in lo radar, Lavorato è l'una tutto la razzi, Dovendo la punto fare mio razione, Buscando rispetto quello limite entrare beni; Vitalità con dell' ano migliore giorno zione, Lento viene più locale congresso, Sui musica ahí focale la processo della rondone... ⓇPoesia e Storie Online. Tutti i diritti riservati.